About 'Jeevan Vidya' Philosophy.

view (darsana) of Reality

What is 'Jeevan Vidya'?

  • 'Jeevan Vidya' is a proposal to understand all of Life. 
  • It is based on a new darshan (philosophy).
  • It provides comprehensive clarity on all aspects of Reality & the Human Being.
  • The study is through objective inquiry, self scrutiny & examination.
  • It provides resolutions for our multidimensional dichotomies and problems -via awareness & consciousness development.   
  • It offers a new direction to us humans to live wholesome, coherent & meaningful lives.
  • This understanding embodies in humane living.
  • The Introductory workshops are of 7 days duration, conducted as a dialogue.

Jeevan Vidya:
‣ Does not aspire to establish a sect or a commune.
‣ Is not based on any prevalent religion, spiritual school, philosophy or ideology.
‣ Is not for money or fame - This 'teaching' is never charged.

The sole purpose is enable coexistential harmony - an undivided human society & order. Read more...

Coexistential Philosophy

Coexistentialism or सहअस्तित्ववाद 

is a new discovery. 

It is presented as an Alternative to Theism/Spiritualism & Materialism/Science 


It postulates that Existence (reality) is Coexistence.

It provides a resolution for the religious, ethnic, social, economic & national disparities in us humans.

It is a proposal for an Undivided Society & Balance in Nature. Read more...


Madhyasth Darshan or Coexistential philosophy is by A.Nagraj (1920-2016) of India.


He realized the fundamental nature of the universe, human consciousness & purpose


Study of Existence/Nature, the Human Being & living - in all dimensions.


​​Presents Universal Human Education, Values, World Constitution & Organization


Coherence in human spiritual, intellectual, behavioural and material aspects


This results in happiness, peace, satisfaction & bliss via humanization of education.

Four Key points

Madhyasth Darshan (Jeevan Vidya) or ‘Coexistential Philosophy’ has come about via original existential exploratory-research by (late) Shri A Nagraj of Amarkantak, India (originally from Hassan, Karnataka). It is a new discovery that inaugurates the fundamental nature of the Universe, Human Being, Consciousness & Human purpose.

This is not based on any religion, sect, politics or money, but on natural laws, on reality. This is an ‘existence based human focused contemplation’. This Coexistential Philosophy (Coexistentialism) is being presented as an ‘Alternative’ to Materialism(Science) and Theism/Spiritualism for evaluation and study by humankind


Salient Points

This philosophy is comprehensiveIt examines, & provides an integral-view of all dimensions of human life:

  • spiritual (existential, experiential),
  • intellectual (logical, rational),
  • behavioral (emotional) &
  • material (sensory, occupational)

It does not

  • Talk of ‘renunciation‘ or ‘negate’ the world we live in – it rather explains it.
  • Talk of ‘indulgence’ in the world – it rather lights up our relationship with it.
  • Is not a lesson in morality – rather the uncovering the natural state of being in every Human

It enables freedom :

  • freedom from prevailing individual criminality & communal mentality between peoples
  • freedom from illusion(delusion) and
  • freedom from mania for profit, consumption and sex

It is practicable :

  • It can be studied and understood by every human – logically & intuitively.
  • It has a definite method of study by which we can have realization.
  • It comes in education: is universal, verifiable & free of mysticism.

It comes in living :

  • Enables human character: morality in wealth, behavior & marital-life.
  • Enables virtues like simplicity, generosity, kindness & benevolence
  • We can understand ourselves as humans and fulfill our relationships in family, society and nature. We can live purposeful and meaningful lives.

It has all-round solutions for the myriad  problems all of us face, the world faces:  

  • Personal strife and meaninglessness
  • Interpersonal issues with people – in the family & around
  • Societal conflict – like war & exploitation
  • Ecological problems – pollution & resource depletion


Outcomes of this Understanding

This coexistential philosophy is not tied to any past or existing belief or knowledge tradition.Rather, is presented as an 'Alternative' to prevalent Materialism/Science and Theism/Spiritualism.

It proposes 'alternative' thesis for Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Materialism, Spiritualism and knowledge systems (darsana) .

These are in the form of 12 books written originally in the Hindi language by Shri A.Nagraj.


This philosophy offers a cogent, universal, verifiable, livable alternative - based on reality

It proposes solutions to the myriad personal, familial, social & ecological issues we face.

Who we are, our 'world' largely depends on what we've read, the time/place/culture we've grown up in.
What then does it mean to 'truly know' & live a human life?

This understanding fundamentally alters our assumption of who we humans are, why & how we live.